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A Farewell To Alms: A Brief Economic History Of The World, Gregory Clark

机译:告别施舍:世界经济简史,格雷戈里·克拉克(Gregory Clark)

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Patents for invention go back to the 15th century but, given the extremely slow rate of technological change, only became important and assumed their present form after the Industrial Revolution in the UK, around 1760-1780, and subsequently elsewhere. However, historians have never agreed why this revolution first occurred in the UK at that particular time, rather than in ancient Rome, China, etc. Various explanations have been mooted, e.g. political stability, sophisticated financial institutions, low taxation, the rule of law, cheap coal supplies, etc. However, many other places had these features and no revolution occurred till after the UK - in fact many parts of the world still have not had one despite much effort by their governments and interested outsiders such as the World Bank and IMF.



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