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Research reports on the elimination of poverty in China. Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province

Research reports on the elimination of poverty in China. Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province

作者: 李新烽 1960-

出版社: 北京 : 中国社会科学出版社
出版时间: 2020


  • 作者:

    李新烽 1960-

  • 出版社:

    北京 : 中国社会科学出版社

  • 语言:


  • 页数:


  • ISBN:



在“精准扶贫”理念的指导下,湘西州全面推进“十项工程”,为湘西扶贫提供了不竭动力。包括:发展生产脱贫工程、乡村旅游脱贫工程、转移就业脱贫工程、易地搬迁脱贫工程、生态补偿脱贫工程、教育发展脱贫工程、医疗救助帮扶工程、社会保障兜底工程、基础设施配套工程和公共服务保障工程。 本报告主要采用实地考察、人物访谈、文献研读,以及查阅媒体报道等方式收集相关信息和材料,并在此基础进行归纳、分析和判断,以作为《报告》撰写的素材和依据。《报告》共六章,介绍了精准扶贫理念的提出、湘西的基本情况及特点,回顾了湘西扶贫历程,对湘西精准扶贫的举措、典型案例、取得的成就等进行了充分的展示,同时也描述了未来湘西脱贫攻坚的努力方向。 展开▼


Chapter 1 Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Xiangxi
1.1 Proposal of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
1.2 An Overview of Xiangxi
1.3 Measures of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi
Chapter 2 History of Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi
2.1 Xiangxi Poverty Alleviation Project
2.2 Guarantee for Poverty Alleviation
2.3 Poverty Alleviation Programs
2.4 Relevant Poverty Alleviation Measures
2.5 The Historical Stages of Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi
2.6 Relevant Poverty Alleviation Achievements
2.7 Problems and Deficiencies
Chapter 3 Typical Cases of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi(Part I)
3.1 Industrial Poverty Alleviation
3.2 Poverty Alleviation through Tourism
3.3 Rural Revitalization
3.4 Poverty Alleviation through Relocation
Chapter 4 Typical Cases of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi(Part II)
4.1 Alleviation with Innovation
4.2 Poverty Allievation through Technology
4.3 Poverty Alleviation through Financial Support
4.4 Development Features
4.5 Poverty Alleviation through Promotion
4.6 Poverty Alleviation through E-commerce
4.7 Poverty Alleviation through Education
4.8 Poverty Alleviation through Training
Chapter 5 Achievements Regarding Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi
5.1 Targeted Poverty Alleviation Achievements
5.2 Experience and Enlightenment of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi
Chapter 6 The Future of Xiangxi's Poverty Alleviation
6.1 Analysis of Existing Problems and Causes
6.2 The Future of Xiangxi's Poverty Alleviation



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