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Interpersonal action semantics Comment on 'Action semantics: A unifying conceptual framework for the selective use of multimodal and modality-specific object knowledge' by van Elk, van Schie, & Bekkering


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Van Elk et al. [1] propose a model of action semantics that covers a broad swath of tool-using behavior including developmental and neurophysiological perspectives. Missing, however, is a discussion of learning: How do people learn to use tools, and, how does that learning shape the learner's body schema? By body schema, we mean the neurophysiological representation of the limbs, their locations, and their abilities. Maravita and Iriki [2] (see also [3]) review the fascinating literature on these topics, and suggest a radical hypothesis. Primates are skilled tool users because of the remarkable ability to shape their body schemas to incorporate tools. Neurons in the macaque parietal cortex have bi-modal receptive fields: the same neuron responds to somatosensory stimuli at the hand and visual stimuli near the hand. After using the tool, the visual receptive field migrates toward the effector-end of the tool (e.g., the tines of a rake). Thus, the neuron provides a mechanism for meshing the feel and sight of the tool for accurate wielding. In effect, the animal has incorporated the tool into its body schema in that looking at the tool excites a neuron with a somatosensory receptive field.
机译:Van Elk等。 [1]提出了一种动作语义模型,该模型涵盖了广泛的工具使用行为,包括发展和神经生理学的观点。但是,缺少关于学习的讨论:人们如何学习使用工具,以及这种学习如何塑造学习者的身体模式?所谓身体图式,是指四肢的神经生理学表现,其位置及其能力。 Maravita和Iriki [2](另请参见[3])回顾了有关这些主题的引人入胜的文献,并提出了激进的假设。灵长类动物是熟练的工具用户,因为他们具有塑造其身体模式以合并工具的出色能力。猕猴顶叶皮层中的神经元具有双峰接受域:同一神经元对手部的体感刺激和手部附近的视觉刺激作出反应。使用工具后,视觉接受区域向工具的效应器末端(例如耙齿)迁移。因此,神经元提供了一种使工具的感觉和视觉啮合的机制,以进行精确的挥舞。实际上,动物将工具整合到其身体模式中是因为看着工具会激发具有体感感受野的神经元。



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