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Effects of copper-based fungicides on foliar gas exchange in tart cherry.


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In the Great Lakes region of the United States, cherry growers are poised to re-adopt copper-based fungicides to manage cherry leaf spot disease (CLS), caused by Blumeriella jaapii. However, application of copper is often associated with leaf bronzing. In growth chamber experiments, bronzing was observed on foliage of tart cherry (Prunus cerasus 'Montmorency') seedlings 1 week following application of a copper-based fungicide, only when leaves were also exposed to nightly dew. In potted, 1-year-old trees outdoors, light-saturated rates of net CO2 assimilation (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) were not affected by treatment with copper sulfate, chlorothalonil, tebuconazole, or trifloxystrobin compared to a nonsprayed control. In 2005 and 2006, A and gs were measured during late summer on leaves of mature trees in an orchard subjected to the following fungicide programs: synthetic fungicides only; synthetic fungicides integrated with copper-based fungicides; or not sprayed. Bronzing symptoms were observed on trees sprayed with copper. Regression analysis revealed that neither A nor gs decreased as leaf surface area affected by bronzing increased (R2=0.004, P=0.80 and R2=0.006, P=0.74, respectively). Leaf bronzing associated with application of copper-based fungicides may therefore be inconsequential to foliar gas exchange in tart cherry during late summer.
机译:在美国的大湖地区,樱桃种植者准备重新采用铜基杀真菌剂来处理由 Jalumiella jaapii 引起的樱桃叶斑病(CLS)。但是,铜的施用通常与叶子烫金有关。在生长室实验中,仅在叶片还暴露于夜间露水后,使用铜基杀菌剂1周后,on樱桃(Prunus cerasus 'Montmorency')幼苗的叶子上才出现烫金现象。在室外一棵盆栽的1岁树上,净CO 2 同化率( A )和气孔导度( g <与未喷洒的对照相比,i> s )不受硫酸铜,百菌清,戊唑醇或三氟氧菌酯处理的影响。在2005年和2006年,夏末在果园的成熟树上测量了 A 和 g s 经过以下杀菌剂程序:仅合成杀菌剂;与铜基杀真菌剂结合的合成杀真菌剂;或不喷。在喷铜的树上观察到铜色的症状。回归分析表明, A 和 g s 均不随烫金影响的叶片表面积的增加而降低( R 2 = 0.004, P = 0.80和 R 2 = 0.006, P = 0.74)。因此,与应用铜基杀真菌剂相关的叶片烫金可能与夏末樱桃t中的叶片气体交换无关。



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