首页> 外文期刊>Chemical Senses >The Origin of Slow Potentials on the Tongue Surface Induced y Frog Glossopharyngeal Efferent Fiber Stimulation

The Origin of Slow Potentials on the Tongue Surface Induced y Frog Glossopharyngeal Efferent Fiber Stimulation


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When the glossopharyngeal (GP) nerve of the frog was stimulated electrically, electropositive slow potentials were recorded from the tongue surface and depolarizing slow potentials from taste cells in the fungiform papillae. The amplitude of the slow potentials was stimulus strength- and the frequency-dependent. Generation of the slow potentials was not related to antidromic activity of myelinated afferent fibers in the GP nerve, but to orthodromic activity of autonomic post-ganglionic C fibers in the GP nerve. Intravenous injection of atropine abolished the positive and depolarizing slow potentials evoked by GP nerve stimulation, suggesting that the slow potentials were induced by the activity of parasympathetic post-ganglionic fibers. The amplitude and polarity of the slow potentials depended on the concentration of adapting NaCI solutions applied to the tongue surface. These results suggest that the slow potentials recorded from the tongue surface and taste cells are due to the liquid junction potential generated between saliva secreted from the lingual glands by GP nerve stimulation and the adapting solution on the tongue surface.



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