首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Physician contact with older community patients: is there an association with physical fitness?

Physician contact with older community patients: is there an association with physical fitness?


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BACKGROUND: Contact with family physicians by older adults may be linked to their physical fitness in addition to other health, behavioral, and sociodemographic determinants. We studied a stratified random sample of urban community-dwelling elderly patients in London, Ontario, Canada, to describe the interaction of physical fitness measures and a number of health and lifestyle behaviors and sociodemographic outcomes with family physician contact over 1 year. We hypothesized that physician contact would be associated with lower indices of physical fitness and that association would be similar to other known determinants of physician utilization. METHODS: Three hundred seventy-five noninstitutionalized elderly men (N = 185) and women (N = 190) ages 55 to 84 years were recruited from the municipal tax assessment list for the city of London (population 280,000). Four categories of independent variables were selected to reflect common determinants of health (physical fitness, self-reported and clinically measured health, lifestyle behaviors, and sociodemographics). The association between these categories of variables and self-reported contact with family physicians and a variety of health professionals was determined for the year prior to the study. RESULTS: Forty-six percent of the subjects had at least one physician contact in the month prior to the study and 79% within the previous year. None of the other health professions (including nursing, chiropractic, physiotherapy, homemaking, and dentistry) were contacted more than once in the previous year. Lifestyle and sociodemographic variables including activity habits, smoking, income, marital status, and education were not associated with physician contact, whereas poor self-reported cardiovascular health and use of cardiovascular and pulmonary medications were associated with physician contact. Interestingly, physical fitness variables including maximal aerobic capacity, grip strength, and hip flexibility were not associated with physician contact. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of an association among physical fitness, lifestyle, and sociodemographic variables and physician contact was not anticipated and may be due to the selection of individuals who were independent, active community dwellers. It may be that most of the physician contact in this relatively healthy and physically fit sample was preventive in nature, for example, monitoring common chronic disease states in the elderly including cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. This paper reports baseline data from a longitudinal study of the interaction between physical fitness and health outcomes in groups of older community-dwelling individuals. As this group ages further, it would be interesting to determine the use of the health care system in relation to their changing functional and health status. In particular, do chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, which increase in prevalence with age, become modified through maintenance of physical fitness and does this impact on health service use? Copyright 1999 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
机译:背景:除了其他健康,行为和社会人口统计学的决定因素外,老年人与家庭医生的接触可能与他们的身体健康有关。我们研究了在加拿大安大略省伦敦市的一个城市社区居住的老年患者的分层随机样本,目的是描述在超过一年的时间里,与家庭医生的接触,身体健康指标以及许多健康和生活方式以及社会人口统计学结果的相互作用。我们假设医师接触将与较低的身体素质指标相关,并且该关联将类似于其他已知的医师利用率决定因素。方法:从伦敦市的市政税收评估表(人口280,000)中,招募了55名年龄在55至84岁之间的非机构化老年男性(N = 185)和女性(N = 190)。选择四类自变量以反映健康的常见决定因素(身体健康,自我报告和临床测量的健康,生活方式和社会人口统计学)。在研究之前的一年中,确定了这些变量类别与与家庭医生和各种卫生专业人员进行自我报告的联系之间的关联。结果:46%的受试者在研究前一个月中至少有一位医师接触过,而上一年中的这一比例为79%。在上一年中,没有其他任何其他健康专业(包括护理,按摩疗法,物理治疗,家庭制作和牙科)被联系过一次。生活方式和社会人口统计学变量(包括活动习惯,吸烟,收入,婚姻状况和受教育程度)与医生接触无关,而自我报告的心血管健康状况不佳以及心血管和肺部药物的使用与医生接触无关。有趣的是,包括最大有氧运动能力,抓地力和髋部柔韧性在内的身体健康变量与医师的接触无关。结论:身体健康,生活方式和社会人口统计学变量与医生联系之间没有关联是无法预料的,​​这可能是由于选择了独立,活跃的社区居民所致。在这种相对健康且身体健康的样本中,大多数医生接触可能是预防性的,例如,监测老年人的常见慢性病状态,包括心血管和肺部疾病。本文报告了对老年社区居民群体中身体健康状况与健康结果之间相互作用的纵向研究得出的基线数据。随着该群体年龄的进一步增长,将有必要根据其不断变化的功能和健康状况来确定对医疗保健系统的使用。尤其是,随着年龄的增长患病率增加的慢性健康状况(例如心血管疾病)是否会通过保持身体健康而得到改善,并且这会对使用卫生服务产生影响吗?版权所有1999美国健康基金会和学术出版社。



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