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It was the best of times, It was the worst of times: A difficult journey to the heartbeat of what matters in case management


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Recently, I spent the better part of a day holed up in Panera Bread while workers labored away in my home. For some reason, I thought the noise level at the house would be worse than that experienced sitting in the midst of a public restaurant. However misguided I may have been, that is the location in which I was inspired to pen my latest contribution to the Heartbeat of Case Management. I hope that the title and the opening lines will make sense before you reach the last period.
机译:最近,我花了大部分时间在Panera Bread上度过了美好的时光,而工人们则在我的家中劳作。出于某种原因,我认为房屋的噪音水平会比坐在公共餐厅中间的噪音水平差。无论我被误导了多少,那都是我被启发去为案件管理心跳做出最新贡献的地方。我希望标题和开头行在您到达最后一个阶段之前就有意义。



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