首页> 外文期刊>Progress in brain research >Activation and coordination of spinal motoneuron pools after spinal cord injury.

Activation and coordination of spinal motoneuron pools after spinal cord injury.


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Goal-directed movements of the limbs involve the coordinated activation of dozens of muscles. The neural signals activating these muscles are organized at spinal and supraspinal levels, the end result being trains of action potentials delivered to muscles by ensembles of spinal motoneurons (MNs). A new modelling approach has allowed us to visualize the activity of MNs controlling cat hindlimb locomotion. This reveals a rostrocaudal oscillation of MN activity distributed over about 30 mm of the lumbosacral spinal cord. The coordination and topographical distribution of MN pools thus revealed put an interesting perspective on the restoration of motor function with regeneration and neuroprosthetic techniques. Recent progress in the area of intraspinal microstimulation (ISMS) is reviewed, including the synthesis of locomotor movements with a small number of implanted microwires, eliciting movements after a spinal transection and facilitating weak voluntary movements with subliminal ISMS. We suggest that neuroprostheses may be useful in maximizing the benefits of neural regeneration in the future.



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