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The level-based stratified sampling plan


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If the probability distribution of the input variable to a system described by a computer code is known, computer simulations can obtain the distribution function of the output variable. With a complicated program, each simulation can take a very long time. It thus is necessary to choose the combinations of the input parameters carefully to get as much information as possible with a small number of computer runs. Different methods for choosing the input parameters are described in the literature. As a criteria for a good sampling plan, unbiased estimates and low mean squared error are used. By computer experiments, it has been shown that he sampling plans based on Latin hypercubes often have the smallest variance of the estimated output variable. The author in this paper shows that a stratified sampling plan with strata defined by the surfaces in the sampling space were the output variable is constant has the lowest variance among all unbiased sampling plans. However, a serious disadvantage with this sampling plan is that it can be constructed only if the distribution to be estimated is fully known. The author then proposes a level based stratified sampling plan based on a simple approximation of the system. The first part of the article gives the mathematical background, and the last part gives an example of how the theory can be used in an engineering application.In Section 2, a property of the level-based stratified sampling plan is discussed. Theorems and lemmas are stated and their proofs are also given. Section 3 shows an application of how a level-based stratified sampling plan can be constructed for a simple model of a physical system with stochastic construction parameters. Discussion and conclusions are given in Section 4.



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