首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry: A European journal >A Porous Coordination Polymer with Accessible Metal Sites and its Complementary Coordination Action

A Porous Coordination Polymer with Accessible Metal Sites and its Complementary Coordination Action


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Porous coordination polymers (PCPs) have attracted much attention in recent years,[1] and progress has been achieved in the aspects of controlling stability, porosity, and pore shape/size and with regards to their applications, such as storage,[2] separation,[3] catalysis,[4] and molecular array.[5] To achieve further functionalization of PCPs, much effort has recently been directed at introducing various functional groups to the pore surface of PCPs to which guest molecules can have access, by modification of building blocks, using the approaches of predesign[6] and, recently, postsynthesis.[7] Among these, the immobilization of coordinatively unsaturated metal centers (UMCs) into porous frameworks is very attractive.[8] This is because a combination of PCP characteristics (regularity, high surface area, micropore filling, and shape/size selectivity) and UMC characteristics (Lewis acidity,[ 9] catalytic activity,[10] chromic property,[11] and enhanced sorption property,[12] etc.) can be used to create desirable and sophisticated functionalities. To derive the suggested functions from metal sites on the pore surface, permanent guest-accessibility to the metal sites is essential. However, the unsaturated state of metal ions is highly reactive and often unstable, owing to a lack of the electronic requirements,[13] resulting in a loss of integrity or permanent porosity of the framework, and then guest molecules cannot get access to the metal sites.[2a] A small number of PCPs are precluded from these problems by using rigid Cu paddlewheel cores.[12a, 14] Thus, it should be beneficial to devise alternative methods for retaining both permanent porosity and accessibility/functionality of the metal sites simultaneously. One promising method would be to stabilize the active metal,through complementary coordination-bond cleavage and formation between the framework atoms.



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