首页> 外文期刊>Pure and Applied Geophysics >Satellite Observations of Plume-like Streaks in a Cloud Field in Canada

Satellite Observations of Plume-like Streaks in a Cloud Field in Canada


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On the afternoon of 28 October 2013, plume-like streaks were detected by geostationary and polar orbiting satellites over eastern Ontario, Canada. These streaks were characterized by enhanced reflectivity in the visible bands and warmer brightness temperatures at 3.9 A mu m. These streaks were part of a low-level liquid water cloud layer. Due to the similarity of the streaks to plume-like features in marine stratocumulus caused by smoke from the stacks of ships, so-called ship tracks, a local source of emitted aerosols was suspected and subsequently identified as the burning of logging residue. This event provides further support for the ability of locally enhanced aerosol loading to alter microphysical characteristics of clouds. Ship tracks, pollution plumes from industrial burning, and pyro-cumulus are known examples of this type of interaction. In addition, the plume-like streaks could be used indirectly to identify the location of the source of the emitted particles.
机译:2013年10月28日下午,加拿大安大略省东部上空的对地静止和极地轨道卫星发现了羽状条纹。这些条纹的特征在于可见光带的反射率提高,并且亮度温度升高至3.9 Aμm。这些条纹是低层液态水云层的一部分。由于条纹与船舶叠层烟雾(所谓的船迹)引起的海洋平流积云中的羽状特征相似,因此怀疑是当地散发的气溶胶来源,随后被确认为燃烧的伐木残渣。该事件为局部增强气溶胶负荷改变云的微物理特征提供了进一步的支持。船舶航迹,工业燃烧产生的污染羽流和热积云是此类相互作用的已知示例。另外,羽状条纹可以间接地用于识别所发射颗粒的来源的位置。



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