首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Dramatic decrease in malaria transmission after large-scale indoor residual spraying with bendiocarb in Benin, an area of high resistance of Anopheles gambiae to pyrethroids.

Dramatic decrease in malaria transmission after large-scale indoor residual spraying with bendiocarb in Benin, an area of high resistance of Anopheles gambiae to pyrethroids.


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In 2008, the National Malaria Control Program in Benin implemented a vector control intervention based on indoor residual spraying (IRS). Four districts of high resistance of Anopheles gambiae to pyrethroids were sprayed with bendiocarb. More than 350,000 inhabitants have been protected. Entomologic parameters in the control area were compared with those in intervention sites. The study has shown a drastic decrease in the An. gambiae biting rate in the sprayed areas. Results of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were negative for Plasmodium falciparum antigen during the entire period of the intervention. No household members received infected bites (entomologic inoculation rate = 0 during January-July). Parous rates were low in areas covered by IRS because bendiocarb is not conducive to long-term mosquito survival. Bendiocarb was found to be a good alternative insecticide for IRS in Benin, in areas where An. gambiae has developed high resistance to pyrethroids.
机译:2008年,贝宁的国家疟疾控制计划基于室内残留喷雾(IRS)实施了媒介控制干预措施。冈比亚按蚊对拟除虫菊酯高抗性的四个地区进行喷洒。超过35万居民受到了保护。比较控制区和干预地点的昆虫学参数。研究表明,An急剧下降。喷雾区域中的冈比亚咬伤率。在整个干预期间,恶性疟原虫抗原的酶联免疫吸附试验结果均为阴性。没有家庭成员受到感染的叮咬(1月至7月的昆虫学接种率= 0)。在美国国税局所覆盖的地区,产卵率很低,因为苯达威克不利于蚊子的长期生存。在贝宁(An)的地区,发现苯二威是替代国税局的良好杀虫剂。冈比亚对拟除虫菊酯具有很高的抗药性。



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