首页> 外文期刊>The European Journal of Neuroscience >Hypoxia induces complex I inhibition and ultrastructural damage by increasing mitochondrial nitric oxide in developing CNS.

Hypoxia induces complex I inhibition and ultrastructural damage by increasing mitochondrial nitric oxide in developing CNS.


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NO-mediated toxicity contributes to neuronal damage after hypoxia; however, the molecular mechanisms involved are still a matter of controversy. Since mitochondria play a key role in signalling neuronal death, we aimed to determine the role of nitrative stress in hypoxia-induced mitochondrial damage. Therefore, we analysed the biochemical and ultrastructural impairment of these organelles in the optic lobe of chick embryos after in vivo hypoxia-reoxygenation. Also, we studied the NO-dependence of damage and examined modulation of mitochondrial nitric oxide synthase (mtNOS) after the hypoxic event. A transient but substantial increase in mtNOS content and activity was observed at 0-2 h posthypoxia, resulting in accumulation of nitrated mitochondrial proteins measured by immunoblotting. However, no variations in nNOS content were observed in the homogenates, suggesting an increased translocation to mitochondria and not a general de novo synthesis. In parallel with mtNOS kinetics, mitochondria exhibited prolonged inhibition of maximal complex I activity and ultrastructural phenotypes associated with swelling, namely, fading of cristae, intracristal dilations and membrane disruption. Administration of the selective nNOS inhibitor 7-nitroindazole 20 min before hypoxia prevented complex I inhibition and most ultrastructural damage. In conclusion, we show here for the first time that hypoxia induces NO-dependent complex I inhibition and ultrastructural damage by increasing mitochondrial NO in the developing brain.



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