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Tobacco helping to teach plants to grow faster


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Once again, that alleged scourge of society, tobacco, is playing an important role in crop research. A team of British scientists have recently discovered a way to greatly accelerate the plant-growth rate of many staple vegetables using a naturallyoccurring plant protein that regulates cell division. To date, results have only been documented in tobacco, which is used as a model species due to its ease of transformation (introduction of new genes). But the scientists are optimistic their researchwill work in other plants as well. Accelerated growth was achieved in tobacco by inserting a gene from a small weed plant, arabidopsis. This plant belongs to the brassica family, which also includes cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, leading to hope these common vegetable plants will also be able to handle the inserted gene. There is also hope the experiment will work with tomato, potato and pepper plants, which are members of the solanaceae family, which also includes tobacco. What is attracting great attention from the farming industry is the implication these findings may have for potentially shortening the time to harvest, giving greater flexibility of sowing time and faster crop rotation during a single growing season, extending the geographical zones in which crops can be grown and increasing the reliability of cropping.



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