首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of hand surgery, European volume >Severe hand injuries resulting from Samurai sword assaults: a Dublin case series

Severe hand injuries resulting from Samurai sword assaults: a Dublin case series


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Dear Sir, Samurai swords are highly prized collectors' items that played a unique role in the culture and history of Japan. For over 1000 years these swords have been associated with the Samurai warriors and the Shogun, who adhered to a strict code of ethics and honour. Central to this was a profound respect for their handcrafted swords. We present three cases of serious hand injuries resulting from sword assaults. A 27-year-old right-hand dominant electrical fitter was assaulted with a sword, resulting in injuries to both knees and the left upper limb. He presented with an ischaemic left thumb and compromised vascularity of the other digits in the left hand. There was an oblique laceration through the base of the thumb extending across the palm to the little finger (Fig 1). At surgical exploration there was transection of the radial artery in the anatomical snuffbox and the ulnar artery at the proximal superficial palmar arch. The flexor pollicis longus and the flexor digitorum sublimis and profundus tendons to all four fingers were divided. The median nerve and the common digital nerve to the ring and little fingers were also completely divided. Extensor pollicis longus and brevis and extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons were divided in zone V and the extensor digitorum tendons to the index, middle and ring fingers were divided in zone VII. The patient also required open reduction and internal fixation of the left ofecranon and left tibial plateau.



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