首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry >The strength of multiple major connector designs under simulated functional loading.

The strength of multiple major connector designs under simulated functional loading.


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STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The design of a removable dental prosthesis (RDP) must balance functional strength, comfort to the patient, and the health of the tissue. While research has been conducted to enhance the strength of major connectors, little has been done to determine if the dimensions of major connectors can be reduced in order to enhance patient comfort and tissue health. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the minimum major connector dimensions of 1 mandibular and 2 maxillary major connectors that would provide adequate functional strength. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty chromium-cobalt alloy (Vitallium) RDP frameworks were fabricated. The major connector designs were: a mandibular lingual bar, a maxillary palatal strap, and a maxillary anterior-posterior (A-P) palatal strap. Four groups of 5 frameworks with diminishing dimensions were fabricated for each major connector design. The lingual bar was tested at 4, 3, 2.5, and 2 mm in height, occlusogingivally, and 1.6 mm in thickness; the palatal strap at 8, 6, 4, and 2 mm, anteroposteriorly; and the A-P palatal strap at 10 x 6, 8 x 4, 6 x 2.5, and 4 x 2 mm, anteroposteriorly. All maxillary frameworks were 0.65 mm in thickness. The frameworks were of a Kennedy Class II Mod I design with 3 widely separated vertical reference points to measure deformation. Two tests were conducted to evaluate the functional strength for each framework. The first test was masticatory simulation, or torsional force. The second test was a drop test from a height of 3 feet. Permanent deformation was then determined after each test. The Cochran-Armitage test (alpha=.05) was used for both the torsion test and the drop test. RESULTS: A statistically significant difference in permanent deformation was found for the palatal strap design among the 4 different dimensions for the compressive test (P=.015) and the drop test (P=.044). CONCLUSION: It is safe to reduce the dimensions of some major connectors under normal loads. The reduced size of the connectors places the removable partial denture at increased risk for deformation when dropped from a height.
机译:问题陈述:可移动假牙(RDP)的设计必须在功能强度,患者舒适度和组织健康之间取得平衡。尽管已经进行了研究以增强主要连接器的强度,但是几乎没有做任何决定来确定是否可以减小主要连接器的尺寸以增强患者的舒适度和组织健康。目的:本研究的目的是确定能够提供足够功能强度的1个下颌骨和2个上颌骨主要连接器的最小主要连接器尺寸。材料与方法:制作了六十种铬钴合金(Vitallium)RDP框架。主要的连接器设计是:下颌舌骨条,上illary上带和上an上(A-P)lat上带。每个主要的连接器设计都制作了四组,每组5个尺寸递减的框架。在4、3、2.5和2 mm的高度(分别咬合)和1.6 mm的厚度对舌杆进行了测试; strap带在前,后8、6、4和2毫米处;和A-P strap带在前后10毫米,6毫米,8毫米4颗,6毫米2.5毫米和4毫米2毫米。所有上颌骨框架的厚度为0.65mm。框架采用Kennedy II类Mod I设计,具有3个分开的垂直参考点以测量变形。进行了两个测试,以评估每个框架的功能强度。第一个测试是咀嚼模拟或扭转力。第二项测试是从3英尺高处跌落测试。然后在每次测试后确定永久变形。 Cochran-Armitage测试(alpha = .05)用于扭转测试和跌落测试。结果:在压缩测试(P = .015)和跌落测试(P = .044)的四个不同尺寸之间,among带设计的永久变形在统计学上有显着差异。结论:减小某些主要连接器在正常载荷下的尺寸是安全的。连接器尺寸的减小使可摘局部义齿从高处掉落时变形的风险增加。



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