首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Limitation of reproductive success by food availability and litter size in the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus

Limitation of reproductive success by food availability and litter size in the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus


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Food limitation has been suggested as one of the most important factors affecting life-history evolution in terrestrial vertebrates. However, this inference is based mainly on evidence from birds, and reproductive trade-offs may differ among groups with different forms of parental care. To study whether the costs of enlarged litters (decreased mass of offspring) would appear when food is not limiting, we performed outdoor enclosure experiments in which we manipulated simultaneously the litter size (control versus +two pups) and food availability (control versus food-supplemented) of female bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus. The weaning success of females increased significantly in response to supplementary food. When females were provided with extra food, no differences were observed in the body masses of weanlings of control and enlarged litters. Further, food-supplemented females grew to larger sizes during nursing than unsupplemented females. Our experiment suggests that energetic requirements during nursing constrain the number of offspring that can be successfully raised in a particular breeding attempt. The results also indicate that unlimiting food resources may increase future reproductive potential of females, because they can use more energy for somatic growth. [References: 37]
机译:食物限制已被认为是影响陆地脊椎动物生活史演变的最重要因素之一。但是,这种推论主要基于鸟类的证据,在具有不同形式的父母照料的群体之间,生殖权衡可能有所不同。为了研究在食物不受限制的情况下是否会出现窝产仔数增加(后代质量降低)的成本,我们进行了室外围栏实验,在该实验中,我们同时控制了窝产仔数(对照组与+2只幼崽)和食物供应量(对照组与食物-补充)的雌性田鼠,鼠疫眼球菌。补充食物后,女性的断奶成功显着增加。当给雌性提供额外的食物时,对照和断奶仔猪的断奶体重没有发现差异。此外,在哺乳期间,以食物为补充的雌性比没有补充的雌性长大。我们的实验表明,护理期间的能量需求会限制在特定育种尝试中可以成功育成的后代数量。结果还表明,无限的粮食资源可能会增加女性的未来生殖潜力,因为她们可以使用更多的能量进行体细胞生长。 [参考:37]



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