首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Neospora caninum causes severe economic losses in cattle in the humid pampa region of Argentina (vol 45, pg 1237, 2013)

Neospora caninum causes severe economic losses in cattle in the humid pampa region of Argentina (vol 45, pg 1237, 2013)


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This work estimates the economic losses due to Neospora abortions in the humid pampa region of Argentina. The total dairy and beef cattle population at risk of abortion is 1,771,326 and 9,726,684 head, respectively. In dairy cattle, there was an 8 % risk of experiencing abortion due to a variety of causes, but 16.5 % of them were due to Neospora caninum. The economic losses were estimated at US$ 1,415 (1,400-1,431) per abortion, which equates to a total loss of US$ 33,097,221 (15,622,600 -119,349,693) for the dairy industry at the humid pampa region of Argentina. In beef cattle, the overall risk of abortion was estimated to be 4.5 % for all pregnancies, whereas 6.7 % are specifically due to N. caninum, with an economic loss of US$ 440 (range, 150-730) per abortion. This amounts to an annual loss to the beef industry of US $ 12,903,440 (range, 1,130,700-42,070,630) in the same area. The results of this study show that Neospora infections and thus abortions cause severe economic impacts in the dairy and beef industries in the humid pampa region of Argentina, which is one the most important areas of cattle production in the world.
机译:这项工作估计了阿根廷潮湿的南美大草原地区新孢子虫流产造成的经济损失。有流产危险的奶牛和肉牛总数分别为1,771,326和9,726,684头。在奶牛中,由于各种原因流产的风险为8%,但其中有16.5%是由于犬新孢子虫引起的。每次流产造成的经济损失估计为1,415美元(1,400-1,431美元),相当于阿根廷潮湿的南美大草原地区的乳制品业损失总计33,097,221美元(15,622,600 -119,349,693美元)。在肉牛中,所有妊娠的总流产风险估计为4.5%,而6.7%是由于犬新孢子虫造成的,每次流产造成的经济损失为440美元(范围为150-730美元)。这意味着同一地区牛肉行业每年损失12,903,440美元(范围为1,130,700-42,070,630)。这项研究的结果表明,新孢子虫感染和流产给阿根廷潮湿的南美大草原地区的乳制品和牛肉行业造成了严重的经济影响,阿根廷是世界上最重要的养牛场之一。



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