首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Influence of sexually inactive bucks subjected to long photoperiod or testosterone on the induction of estrus in anovulatory goats.

Influence of sexually inactive bucks subjected to long photoperiod or testosterone on the induction of estrus in anovulatory goats.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of treating sexually inactive bucks with artificial long photoperiod or testosterone on the induction of estrus in anovulatory grazing goats. A total of 91 multiparous mixed-breed anestrous goats were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: (1) joining with bucks subjected to 2.5 month of artificial long days (16 h of light/day; n=31), (2) joining with testosterone-treated bucks (n=30), and (3) joining with untreated bucks (control; n=30). There were no differences between the light-treated (100%) and testosterone-treated (93%) bucks in their ability to induce estrus in anovulatory does. On the other hand, none of the goats in contact with control bucks exhibited estrus. The interval from start of mating to estrus was shorter in goats with the light-treated bucks (37.9+or-4.8 h) compared with does in contact with testosterone-treated bucks (58.3+or-8.7 h). The overall pregnancy rate in goats joined with light-treated, testosterone-treated and control bucks was 84%, 77% and 0%, respectively, with no difference (P
机译:这项研究的目的是评估人造的长光周期或睾丸激素治疗无性活动的雄鹿对无排卵放牧山羊发情的诱导作用。将总共​​91头混合繁殖的无情山羊随机分配到三个处理组之一:(1)与雄鹿一起接受2.5个月的人工漫长天(光照16天/天; n = 31),(2)加入经睾丸激素治疗的雄鹿( n = 30)和(3)加入未经治疗的雄鹿(对照组; n = 30)。光治疗的雄性不育动物(100%)和睾丸激素治疗的雄性动物(93%)之间没有发情的差异。另一方面,与对照雄鹿接触的山羊均未发情。与接触睾丸激素处理的雄鹿(58.3+或-8.7 h)相比,轻度处理雄鹿的山羊从交配开始到发情的间隔更短(37.9+或-4.8 h)。山羊与轻度,睾丸激素和对照组雄鹿的总妊娠率分别为84%,77%和0%,前两组之间没有差异( P <0.01),而在对照雄鹿中最低。结论是,睾丸激素治疗的雄鹿和长期治疗的雄鹿在无排卵山羊的发情同步中同样有效,并导致相似的生育水平。鉴于在资源贫乏的农民饲养的山羊的公共生产系统中,光处理过的雄鹿是不可行的,因此雄性雄鹿与睾丸激素的性唤起是一种实用且可靠的方法,可在炎热环境下的牧羊系统中诱导无排卵山羊排卵。



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