首页> 外文期刊>Wildlife Society Bulletin >Perspectives - Why take calculus? Rigor in wildlife management

Perspectives - Why take calculus? Rigor in wildlife management


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Wildlife management is more than just biology, and practicing wildlife professionals are confronted often with the human dimensions aspect of the profession. However, resolution of conflicts over wildlife management issues requires more than sophisticated human dimensions techniques. Reliable knowledge is the foundation supporting wildlife management decisions; a lack of reliable knowledge provides a blank check to support lawyers. I discuss examples of situations in which wildlife professionals demonstrate a lack of rigor in gaining reliable knowledge, including refraining from opportunities to collect knowledge and not adequately monitoring the impacts of management decisions. also address the improper use of population viability analysis and the adaptive management paradigm. So how does calculus relate! Calculus and other quantitative courses train students to conceptualize problems and to think logically about solutions. Courses in experimental design and sampling provide the concepts of cause-and-effect and a valid sample of the population to which inferences apply. The past record of the wildlife profession does not speak well of our ability to demonstrate rigor in our management, as evidenced by the increasing rate at which management decisions are being made by courts and ballot initiatives. A capacity for rigorous thinking is derived through mental exercises, and a foundation of quantitative courses provides this development.



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