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Identification and control of parasites in a new species for aquaculture: A case study with striped trumpeter, Latris lineata

机译:水产养殖新物种中寄生虫的鉴定和控制:以条纹小号手Latris lineata为例

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Our studies are taking place in Tasmania, Australia's southern most island state situated directly on the 'roaring forties', which has a very changeable weather pattern throughout the year with snowfalls not uncommon in summer. This cool to mild climate is ideal for temperate agriculture and aqua-culture. The Tasmanian aquaculture industry began in the mid-1940s with the cultivation of Pacific oysters. It has since expanded to include other shellfish, such as abalone, scallops and mussels. Today the largest Tasmanian aquaculture industry involves the production of over 18,000 t of Atlantic salmon per year in sea cages. Since the beginning, the salmon industry has experienced various health challenges, including amoebic gill disease (AGD). Treatment of this disease using freshwater is relatively simple but expensive and progress is being made in the development of a vaccine. Atlantic salmon are also reared at sea temperatures close to their thermal maximum in late summer and it makes sense for the industry to diversify into other marine species. The industry is particularly interested in developing an alternative native white-fleshed fish species. Striped trumpeter, Latris lineata, was identified in the 1980s as a possible aquaculture species because of its tolerance to handling, high stocking density as well as superior flesh quality, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids and highly regarded as sashimi (Nichols et al. 2005).
机译:我们的研究是在塔斯马尼亚州进行的,塔斯马尼亚州是澳大利亚最南端的岛屿州,直接坐落在“咆哮的四十年代”,该州一年四季的天气变化多端,夏季降雪并不罕见。凉爽至温和的气候非常适合温带农业和水产养殖。塔斯马尼亚的水产养殖业始于1940年代中期,开始种植太平洋牡蛎。此后,它扩展到包括其他贝类,例如鲍鱼,扇贝和贻贝。如今,塔斯马尼亚最大的水产养殖业每年在海笼中生产超过18,000吨的大西洋鲑鱼。从一开始,鲑鱼业就经历了各种健康挑战,包括阿米巴g病(AGD)。使用淡水治疗该疾病相对简单,但价格昂贵,并且疫苗的开发正在取得进展。大西洋鲑也于夏末在接近其最高温度的海温下饲养,因此该行业向其他海洋物种多样化也很有意义。该行业对开发替代性的本地白肉鱼物种特别感兴趣。条纹小号手Latris lineata在1980年代被确认为可能的水产养殖种类,因为它对处理的耐受性,高放养密度以及出众的肉质,其中的omega-3脂肪酸含量高,被认为是生鱼片(Nichols等) (2005年)。



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