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Analysis of Arboreta Members and the Local Community Interests in Participating in Public Gardens and Arboreta Programs


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Two studies were conducted to better understand arboreta and community members' attitudes toward programming and benefits offered at arboreta and public gardens. The first study, a mail survey sent to arboreta members, included questions regarding what encourage them to become members and the services they value pertaining to their paid membership. The second study, an Internet survey of consumers residing within a 30-mile radius of the arboreta, also focused on interest in leisure activities and interest in traditional, gardening-related programs offered at the arboreta in an effort to understand what might increase membership. Over half of the members (62.5%) responded that they were "completely satisfied," with only 3.4% selecting "neither dissatisfied nor satisfied" or some level of "dissatisfied." The top three reasons that motivated members to join the arboretum's association included "benefits offered" (28.2%), followed by providing the "arboretum with financial support" (22.9%), and "to attend horticultural educational programs at a discounted rate" (22.6%). Interest level in gardening appeared to be greater among arboreta members compared with community members, on the basis of the percentage of both groups who self-identified with phrases such as "skilled and knowledgeable" and "enjoys spending time gardening." Arboreta member interest in garden programming activities differed from those of local community respondents in all categories except "outdoor concerts and live performances," "wine tasting and tours," and "painting and drawing." The one program/activity that appeared to be more of interest to community members than arboreta members was "cooking and entertaining," with community members returning an average mean rating of 4.77 (1 = "very disinterested," 7 = "very interested") and arboreta members returning an average mean rating of 4.29. On the basis of the results of the survey and the strong interest expressed by both survey groups in program activities offered, arboreta staff should consider offering programming that appeals to both current members and community members at large and in an effort to assure a sustainable membership level.
机译:进行了两项研究,以更好地了解Arboreta和社区成员对Arboreta和公共花园提供的编程和福利的态度。第一项研究是向Arboreta成员发送的邮件调查,其中包括有关如何鼓励他们成为会员以及他们所重视的与付费会员有关的服务的问题。第二项研究是一项互联网调查,调查了居住在Arboreta半径30英里范围内的消费者,该研究的重点还在于对休闲活动的兴趣以及对Arboreta提供的与园艺相关的传统计划的兴趣,以便了解可能会增加会员资格的内容。超过一半的成员(62.5%)回答说他们“完全满意”,只有3.4%的成员选择“既不满意也不满意”或某种程度的“不满意”。促使成员加入植物园协会的三大原因包括“提供收益”(28.2%),其次为“树木园提供经济支持”(22.9%),以及“以折扣价参加园艺教育计划”( 22.6%)。根据两个群体中以“熟练和知识渊博”和“喜欢花时间从事园艺”这样的短语进行自我识别的比例,与社区成员相比,arboreta成员对园艺的兴趣程度似乎更高。 Arboreta成员对园林编程活动的兴趣与所有类别的当地社区受访者的兴趣有所不同,除了“户外音乐会和现场表演”,“品酒和游览”以及“绘画”。社区成员比Arboreta成员更感兴趣的一项计划/活动是“烹饪和娱乐”,社区成员的平均平均评分为4.77(1 =“非常不感兴趣”,7 =“非常感兴趣”) Arboreta成员的平均平均评分为4.29。根据调查结果以及两个调查组对所提供的计划活动的强烈兴趣,arboreta工作人员应考虑提供既吸引现有成员又吸引广大社区成员的计划,以确保可持续的会员级别。



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