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Modification of switchgrass substrate pH using compost, peatmoss, and elemental sulfur.


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Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) biomass is being evaluated as a potential alternative to pine bark as the primary potting component in containerized nursery crops. Substrates composed entirely of switchgrass have higher pH than what is considered desirable in container substrates. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of elemental S, sphagnum moss, and municipal solid waste compost (MSC) as amendments for reducing substrate pH and buffering it against large changes over time. Three experiments were conducted; the first two experiments were conducted using annual vinca (Catharanthus roseus 'Pacifica Blush') to quickly assess how pH was affected by the three amendments, and the final experiment was conducted with blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke') to assess the long-term effects of substrate amendments. Summarizing across the three experiments, elemental S was effective in reducing substrate pH; however, rates 1 lb/yard3 or greater reduced pH below the recommended level of 5.5 and lower S rates did not maintain lowered pH over time. Sphagnum moss and MSC together at 20% and 10% (v/v), respectively, were effective at reducing substrate pH and buffering against change. Sphagnum moss and MSC provided the additional benefit of improving physical properties of the switchgrass substrates.
机译:柳枝(( Panicum virgatum )的生物量正在评估,它可以代替松树皮作为集装箱化苗圃作物的主要盆栽成分。完全由柳枝composed组成的基材的pH值高于容器基材中所需的pH值。这项研究的目的是评估元素S,泥炭藓和城市生活垃圾堆肥(MSC)的影响,作为降低底物pH值并缓冲其随时间变化的修正。进行了三个实验。前两个实验是使用一年生长春花( Catharanthus roseus 'Pacifica Blush')进行的,以快速评估三种添加物对pH的影响,最后一个实验是使用蓝莓( Vaccinium corymbosum) “ Duke”),以评估底材修订的长期影响。总结三个实验,元素S可以有效降低底物的pH。但是,速率1 lb / yard 3 或更高时,pH值降低到建议的5.5以下,而更低的S率不能保持pH值随时间降低。泥炭藓和MSC的浓度分别为20%和10%(v / v),可有效降低底物pH值并缓冲变化。泥炭藓和MSC提供了改善柳枝substrate基质物理特性的其他好处。



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