首页> 外文期刊>Dalton transactions: An international journal of inorganic chemistry >Why is the antipodal effect in closo-1-SB_9H_9 so large? A possible explanation based on the geometry from the concerted use of gas electron diffraction and computational methods

Why is the antipodal effect in closo-1-SB_9H_9 so large? A possible explanation based on the geometry from the concerted use of gas electron diffraction and computational methods


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The molecular structure of 1-thia-closo-decaborane(9), 1-SB _9H_9, has been determined by the concerted use of gas electron diffraction and quantum-chemical calculations. Assuming C_(4v) symmetry, the cage structure was distorted from a symmetrically bicapped square antiprism (D_(4d) symmetry) mainly through substantial expansion of the tetragonal belt of boron atoms adjacent to sulfur. The S-B and (B-B) _(mean) distances are well determined with r_(h1) = 193.86(14) and 182.14(8) pm, respectively. Geometrical parameters calculated using the MP2(full)/6-311++G** method and at levels reported earlier [MP2(full)/6-311G**, B3LYP/6-311G** and B3LYP/cc-pVQZ], as well as calculated vibrational amplitudes and ~(11)B NMR chemical shifts, are in good agreement with the experimental findings. In particular, the so-called antipodal chemical shift of apical B(10) (71.8 ppm) is reproduced well by the GIAO-MP2 calculations and its large magnitude is schematically accounted for, as is the analogous antipodal chemical shift of B(12) in the twelve-vertex closo-1-SB_(11)H_(11).
机译:1-硫杂-十硼烷(9)1-SB _9H_9的分子结构已通过气体电子衍射和量子化学计算的协同确定。假设C_(4v)对称,笼形结构从对称的双尖方形反棱镜(D_(4d)对称)扭曲,这主要是通过与硫相邻的硼原子的四方带的充分膨胀。分别通过r_(h1)= 193.86(14)和182.14(8)pm可以很好地确定S-B和(B-B)_(平均)距离。使用MP2(完整)/ 6-311 ++ G **方法计算的几何参数,并且以先前报道的水平计算[MP2(完整)/ 6-311G **,B3LYP / 6-311G **和B3LYP / cc-pVQZ] ,以及计算的振动幅度和〜(11)B NMR化学位移,与实验结果非常吻合。尤其是,通过GIAO-MP2计算可以很好地再现所谓的顶端B(10)的对映体化学位移(71.8 ppm),并示意性地解释了其大幅度的变化,就像B(12)的类似对立化学位移一样在十二个顶点closo-1-SB_(11)H_(11)中。



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