首页> 外文期刊>Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease >Bacterial pathogens isolated from patients with skin and soft tissue infections: frequency of occurrence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns from the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (United States and Canada, 1997). SENTRY Study Group

Bacterial pathogens isolated from patients with skin and soft tissue infections: frequency of occurrence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns from the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (United States and Canada, 1997). SENTRY Study Group


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As part of the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, 1562 bacterial isolates were recovered from hospitalized patients with skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) in 30 United States (U.S.) and 8 Canadian medical centers between October and December, 1997. The overall rank order of recovery of the six most common pathogens was Staphylococcus aureus (42.6%) > Pseudomonas aeruginosa (11.3%) > Enterococcus spp. (8.1%) > Escherichia coli (7.2%) > Enterobacter spp. (5.2%) > beta-hemolytic streptocci (5.1%). With one exception, essentially the same order was observed in both the U.S. and Canada. The single exception was the Enterococcus group, which were the third most common isolate in the U.S. (9.6%), but the seventh most common isolate in Canada (3.7). Of note, 24.0% of S. aureus isolates were oxacillin resistant; vancomycin was uniformly active. Vancomycin resistance among Enterococcus spp. (16.5%) was observed only in the U.S. Several antimicrobial agents remained broadly active for SSTI isolates of P. aeruginosa, including meropenem, amikacin, tobramycin, and piperacillin with or without tazobactam. Imipenem resistance (MICs, > or = 8 micrograms/mL) was observed in 11.9% of isolates of P. aeruginosa and ceftazidime, and cefepime had equivalent activity (85.2% and 85.8% susceptible, respectively). Numerous beta-lactams, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones were broadly active against E. coli SSTI isolates (i.e. < 5% resistance). Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production was uncommon both with E. coli and Klebsiella spp. in both nations. Cefepime, imipenem, and meropenem; the aminoglycosides; and fluoroquinolones were conspicuously more active against Enterobacter spp. than other agents tested. High-level, stably derepressed Amp C beta-lactamase production was commonly observed in this group (26.8%), but cefepime generally retained activity against these ceftazidime-resistant organisms. The results of this study serve to define the most common bacterial causes of SSTIs in North America, elucidate patterns of antimicrobial resistance and can be used as a basis for making initial empiric antimicrobial management decisions in hospitalized patients with such infections.
机译:作为SENTRY抗菌素监测计划的一部分,1997年10月至1997年12月,从美国30个美国和8个加拿大医疗中心的皮肤和软组织感染(SSTI)住院患者中回收了1562株细菌。六个最常见病原体的恢复为金黄色葡萄球菌(42.6%)>铜绿假单胞菌(11.3%)>肠球菌。 (8.1%)>大肠杆菌(7.2%)>肠杆菌属。 (5.2%)>β-溶血性链球菌(5.1%)。除了一个例外,在美国和加拿大都观察到基本上相同的顺序。唯一的例外是肠球菌,这是美国第三大最常见的分离株(9.6%),但在加拿大第七大最常见的分离株(3.7)。值得注意的是,有24.0%的金黄色葡萄球菌对奥沙西林耐药。万古霉素具有均匀的活性。肠球菌对万古霉素的耐药性。 (16.5%)仅在美国观察到。对于铜绿假单胞菌的SSTI分离株,包括美罗培南,丁胺卡那霉素,妥布霉素和哌拉西林,无论是否有他唑巴坦,几种抗菌剂仍然具有广泛的活性。在铜绿假单胞菌和头孢他啶的11.9%分离物中观察到亚胺培南耐药性(MICs>或= 8微克/ mL),头孢吡肟具有同等活性(分别为85.2%和85.8%易感)。许多β-内酰胺类,氨基糖苷类和氟喹诺酮类均对大肠杆菌SSTI分离物具有广泛的活性(即耐药性<5%)。广谱β-内酰胺酶的生产在大肠杆菌和克雷伯菌属中都不常见。在两个国家。头孢吡肟,亚胺培南和美罗培南;氨基糖苷;氟喹诺酮类对肠杆菌的活性明显更高。比其他代理商测试。在该组中通常观察到高水平,稳定抑制的Amp Cβ-内酰胺酶的产生(26.8%),但头孢吡肟通常保留了对这些抗头孢他啶耐药生物的活性。这项研究的结果有助于确定北美最常见的SSTI细菌病因,阐明抗药性模式,并可作为做出此类感染住院患者初步经验性抗微生物治疗决策的基础。



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