
Session lectures-Siderophore iron uptake pathways in gram-negative bacteria


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Siderophores, are organic chelators produced by bacteria in order to get access to iron. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a human opportunist pathogen, produces two major siderophores pyoverdine (PVD) and pyochelin (PCH), two molecules with very different chemical structures. These chelators are released in the environment of the bacteria, where they chelate iron with a very high affinity. Bacteria capture back the ferric forms of PVD and PCH from their environment and the uptake across the bacterial membranes involves highly siderophore specific transport proteins and molecular mechanisms. New insights in these molecular mechanisms involved in the ferri-siderophore capture and transport will be presented. Besides, we used chromosomal replacement to generate P. aeruginosa strains producing fluorescent fusions with proteins involved in PVD and PCH iron uptake pathways. These strains were used to investigate the expression of PVD and PCH pathways in planktonic and biofilm growth conditions, in order to understand why bacteria need and use several siderophore iron uptake pathways.



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