首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico >Consumer testing of commercial medium grain rice varieties.

Consumer testing of commercial medium grain rice varieties.


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Studies were conducted to determine whether the quality of medium grain rice produced by Missouri farmers measured up to that demanded by Puerto Rico consumers. Several sensory tests took place at various locations in Puerto Rico to get a better understanding of those quality attributes highly regarded by consumers. Results suggested that no significant differences existed in terms of consumer preference among the various local brands and locations tested. One of the said brands was the Missouri-grown cultivar. The Missouri-grown cultivar was also compared to that from the Sacramento Valley Region (California, USA). A consumer test with only 2 samples was conducted. A total of 102 rice consumers participated in a paired preference test. Cultivars tested included CalRose Diamond G extra fancy white rice (California cultivar) and a locally available Missouri cultivar. The same recipe (2 cups of rice, 2.5 cups of water, 0.5 tsp salt and 4 tbsp cooking oil) was used to prepare the 2 cultivars in commercial rice cookers. The sensory panel tasting took place at a supermarket located in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Supermarket shoppers who were rice consumers acted as test panelists. After giving some demographic data, each panelist received coded samples (one tbsp) of each treatment in respective plastic cups. Each panelist was asked to evaluate the samples and to state his/her sample preference. Results showed that 59 preferred the California cultivar, whereas 43 preferred the Missouri cultivar. Demographic information was graphed to ensure that the sampled population was not biased toward a particular group. All data considered, the expected average of a binomial distribution with 102 panelists was 51. Comparing these values using the normal approximation of the binomial distribution and student t statistic, it was found that no significant difference existed between the 2 cultivars at the 95% confidence interval. A paired comparison preference test was also conducted between California and Missouri medium grain rice cultivars. A total of 59 out of 102 panelists preferred the California cultivar over the Missouri rice. Results gathered were insufficient evidence to discard the assumption of no difference among brands at the 95% confidence level.
机译:进行研究以确定密苏里州农民生产的中粒大米的质量是否达到波多黎各消费者的要求。在波多黎各的不同地点进行了几次感官测试,以更好地了解消费者高度重视的那些品质属性。结果表明,在测试的各个本地品牌和地区之间,消费者的偏好没有显着差异。所说的品牌之一是密苏里州种植的品种。密苏里州种植的品种也与萨克拉曼多山谷地区(美国加利福尼亚)的品种进行了比较。仅用2个样本进行了消费者测试。共有102名大米消费者参加了配对偏好测试​​。测试的品种包括CalRose Diamond G特级白米(加利福尼亚品种)和当地可得的密苏里品种。使用相同的配方(2杯米,2.5杯水,0.5茶匙盐和4汤匙食用油)来准备商业电饭锅中的2个品种。感官小组品尝是在波多黎各马亚圭斯的一家超市进行的。大米消费者的超市购物者担任测试小组成员。提供一些人口统计数据后,每个小组成员在各自的塑料杯中接受每种处理的编码样本(一汤匙)。要求每个小组成员评估样品并陈述他/她的样品偏好。结果表明,有59个首选加州品种,而有43个首选密苏里州品种。绘制人口统计信息以确保抽样人群不偏向特定人群。考虑所有数据,由102位专门小组成员进行的二项分布的预期平均值为51。使用二项分布的正态近似和学生t统计量比较这些值,发现在95%置信度下,两个品种之间不存在显着差异。间隔。在加利福尼亚州和密苏里州中粒水稻品种之间也进行了配对比较偏好测试。在102位专门小组成员中,共有59位优先选择加利福尼亚品种而不是密苏里州水稻。收集的结果不足以证明在95%的置信水平下品牌之间没有差异的假设。



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