首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomechanics >A contact algorithm for density-based load estimation.

A contact algorithm for density-based load estimation.


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An algorithm, which includes contact interactions within a joint, has been developed to estimate the dominant loading patterns in joints based on the density distribution of bone. The algorithm is applied to the proximal femur of a chimpanzee, gorilla and grizzly bear and is compared to the results obtained in a companion paper that uses a non-contact (linear) version of the density-based load estimation method. Results from the contact algorithm are consistent with those from the linear method. While the contact algorithm is substantially more complex than the linear method, it has some added benefits. First, since contact between the two interacting surfaces is incorporated into the load estimation method, the pressure distributions selected by the method are more likely indicative of those found in vivo. Thus, the pressure distributions predicted by the algorithm are more consistent with the in vivo loads that were responsible for producing the given distribution of bone density. Additionally, the relative positions of the interacting bones are known for each pressure distribution selected by the algorithm. This should allow the pressure distributions to be related to specific types of activities. The ultimate goal is to develop a technique that can predict dominant joint loading patterns and relate these loading patterns to specific types of locomotion and/or activities.



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