首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dermatological science >Hair cycle-specific expression of versican in human hair follicles.

Hair cycle-specific expression of versican in human hair follicles.


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BACKGROUND: Versican, a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan molecule, is implicated in the induction of hair morphogenesis, the initiation of hair regeneration, and the maintenance of hair growth in mouse species. In contrast, in human hair follicles, the distribution and the roles of versican remains obscure. OBJECTIVES: To elucidate the implication of versican in normal human hair growth. METHODS: Versican expression was examined by in situ hybridization (mRNA) and immunohistochemistry (protein). RESULTS: The results clearly showed specific versican gene expression in the dermal papilla of anagen, which apparently decreased in the dermal papilla of catagen hair follicles. No specific signal was detectable in telogen hair follicles. Consistent with ISH results, versican immunoreactivity was extended over the dermal papilla of anagen hair follicles, and again, this staining diminished in the catagen phase of human hair follicles. Interestingly, versican proteins were deposited outside K15-positive epithelial cells in the bulge throughout the hair cycle. Versican immunoreactivity in the dermal papilla was almost lost in vellus-like hair follicles affected by male pattern baldness. CONCLUSION: Specific expression of versican in the anagen hair follicles suggests its importance to maintain the normal growing phase of human as well as mouse.



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