首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry: An International Journal Devoted to All Aspects of Electrode Kinetics, Interfacial Structure, Properties of Electrolytes, Colloid and Biological Electrochemistry >Using multivariate analyses to compare subsets of electrodes and potentialswithin an electrode array for predicting sugar concentrations in mixed solutions

Using multivariate analyses to compare subsets of electrodes and potentialswithin an electrode array for predicting sugar concentrations in mixed solutions


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A non-selective electrode array is presented for the quantification of fructose, galactose, and glucose inmixed solutions. A unique feature of this electrode array relative to other published work is the widediversity of electrode materials incorporated within the array, being constructed of 41 different metalsand metal alloys. Cyclic voltammograms were acquired for solutions containing a single sugar at varyingconcentrations, and the correlation between current and sugar concentration was calculated as a functionof potential and electrode array element. The correlation plots identified potential regions and electrodesthat scaled most linearly with sugar concentration, and the number of electrodes used in building predic-tive models was reduced to 15. Partial least squares regression models relating electrochemical responseto sugar concentration were constructed using data from single electrodes and multiple electrodes withinthe array, and the predictive abilities of these models were rigorously compared using a non-parametricWilcoxon test. Models using single electrodes (Pt:Rh (90:10) for fructose, Au:Ni (82:18) for galactose, andAu for glucose) were judged to be statistically superior or indistinguishable from those built with multi-ple electrodes. Additionally, for each sugar, interval partial least squares regression successfully identifieda subset of potentials within a given electrode that generated a model of statistically equivalent predic-tive ability relative to the full potential model. While including data from multiple electrodes offered nobenefit in predicting sugar concentration, use of the array afforded the versatility and flexibility of select-ing the best single electrode for each sugar.



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