首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Entomological Research >Studies on Solanum mealy bug, Phenacoccus solani Ferris (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), its parasitoid and predator complex, reproductive potential and utilization as laboratory prey for rearing the ladybird and green lacewing predators.

Studies on Solanum mealy bug, Phenacoccus solani Ferris (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), its parasitoid and predator complex, reproductive potential and utilization as laboratory prey for rearing the ladybird and green lacewing predators.

机译:对茄粉虱,Phenacoccus solani Ferris(半翅目:Pseudococcidae),其寄生性和捕食性复合体,繁殖潜力以及用作饲养瓢虫和绿色lace虫的实验室猎物的研究。

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Studies in India during December 2004-June 2007 revealed that Solanum mealy bug, Phenacoccus solani, is an emerging pest problem. A total of five predatory coccinellids viz; Brumoides lineatus, B. suturalis, Cheilomenes sexmaculata, Nephus regularis and Scymnus coccivora were isolated from the field population of P. solani infesting different plant species. B. lineatus was predominant and was also active at 40-45 degrees C. The parasitoid emerged from field samples were an unidentified encyrtid and dipteran. The mealy bug was amenable for mass production on sprouted Irish potato tuber, Solanum tuberosum and found aggressive over Ferrisia virgata, Maconellicoccus hirsutus and N. viridae as it displaced their population with in six months/4-5 generations of co-rearing in the laboratory. It completed its life cycle in 30-35 days. Mean reproductive potential of P. solani based on crawler production per gravid female was recorded in the order of sunflower (313.6) > hibiscus (284.2) > okra (250.8) > cotton (232) > lantana (219.6) > tomato (216.4) > chilli (198.2) > parthenium (191.0) > wild jute (170.4) > Amaranthus (159.2) > carpet grass (154.2) > Chenopodium sp. (125.6).
机译:2004年12月至2007年6月在印度进行的研究表明,茄属粉虱(Phenacoccus solani)是一种新出现的害虫问题。总共五个掠食性球虫;从侵染不同植物物种的茄形假单胞菌的田间种群中分离出了蓝线虫,B。suturalis,雪白唇线虫,正圆叶猪和短吻线虫。线虫占主导地位,并且在40-45摄氏度下也很活跃。从田间采样中出现的寄生虫是未鉴定的臭虫和二萜。该粉状虫适于在发芽的爱尔兰马铃薯块茎,马铃薯上大量生产,并在费里斯草,马氏肉芽孢杆菌和猪笼草中具有侵略性,因为它们在六个月/ 4-5代的共同饲养中转移了种群。它在30-35天内完成了生命周期。基于每胎妊娠雌虫的履带生产量,茄。的平均繁殖潜力按向日葵(313.6)>木槿(284.2)>秋葵(250.8)>棉花(232)>马lan丹(219.6)>番茄(216.4)>的顺序记录辣椒(198.2)> hen(191.0)>野生黄麻(170.4)> mar菜(159.2)>地毯草(154.2)>藜属(125.6)。



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