首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >Atmospheric CH_4 in the first decade of the 21st century: Inverse modeling analysis using SCIAMACHY satellite retrievals and NOAA surface measurements

Atmospheric CH_4 in the first decade of the 21st century: Inverse modeling analysis using SCIAMACHY satellite retrievals and NOAA surface measurements


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The causes of renewed growth in the atmospheric CH_4 burden since 2007 are still poorly understood and subject of intensive scientific discussion. We present a reanalysis of global CH4 emissions during the 2000s, based on the TM5-4DVAR inverse modeling system. The model is optimized using high-accuracy surface observations from NOAA ESRL's global air sampling network for 2000-2010 combined with retrievals of column-averaged CH_4 mole fractions from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT (starting 2003).Using climatological OH fields, derived global total emissions for 2007-2010 are 16-20 Tg CH_ 4/yr higher compared to 2003-2005. Most of the inferred emission increase was located in the tropics (9-14 Tg CH_4/yr) and mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere (6-8 Tg CH_4/yr), while no significant trend was derived for Arctic latitudes. The atmospheric increase can be attributed mainly to increased anthropogenic emissions, but the derived trend is significantly smaller than estimated in the EDGARv4.2 emission inventory. Superimposed on the increasing trend in anthropogenic CH_4 emissions are significant inter-annual variations (IAV) of emissions from wetlands (up to ±10 Tg CH4/yr), and biomass burning (up to ±7 Tg CH_4/yr). Sensitivity experiments, which investigated the impact of the SCIAMACHY observations (versus inversions using only surface observations), of the OH fields used, and of a priori emission inventories, resulted in differences in the detailed latitudinal attribution of CH_4 emissions, but the IAV and trends aggregated over larger latitude bands were reasonably robust. All sensitivity experiments show similar performance against independent shipboard and airborne observations used for validation, except over Amazonia where satellite retrievals improved agreement with observations in the free troposphere. Key Points A reanalysis of global CH4 emissions during the 2000s is presented derived global total emissions 2007-2010 16-20 Tg CH4/yr higher than 2003-2005 increase mainly in the tropics and NH mid-latitudes
机译:自2007年以来,大气中CH_4负荷重新增长的原因仍然知之甚少,并且受到了广泛的科学讨论。我们基于TM5-4DVAR逆向建模系统,对2000年代全球CH4排放进行了重新分析。该模型是使用NOAA ESRL 2000-2010年全球空气采样网络的高精度地面观测资料与ENVISAT机载SCIAMACHY的平均CH_4摩尔分数取回数据(从2003年开始)进行了优化的。与2003-2005年相比,2007-2010年高出16-20 Tg CH_4 / yr。推测的排放增加大部分位于热带地区(9-14 Tg CH_4 / yr)和北半球中纬度地区(6-8 Tg CH_4 / yr),而北极纬度没有明显的趋势。大气增加主要归因于人为排放增加,但是得出的趋势明显小于EDGARv4.2排放清单中的估计。人为产生的CH_4排放量的增加趋势叠加有湿地排放量(高达±10 Tg CH4 / yr)和生物质燃烧(高达±7 Tg CH_4 / yr)的年际变化(IAV)。敏感性实验调查了SCIAMACHY观测结果(相对于仅使用表面观测结果的反演),使用的OH场和先验排放清单的影响,导致CH_4排放的详细纬度归因有所不同,但IAV和趋势在较大的纬度带上聚合的结果相当合理。所有灵敏度实验均显示出与用于验证的独立舰载和机载观测结果相似的性能,但亚马逊地区除外,在该地区,卫星取回改善了与自由对流层观测的一致性。要点提出了对2000年代全球CH4排放的重新分析,得出的是2007-2010年全球总排放量,比2003-2005年高出16-20 Tg CH4 /年,主要是在热带和北半球中纬度地区



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