首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematical Biology >An asymptotic maximum principle for essentially linear evolution models

An asymptotic maximum principle for essentially linear evolution models


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Recent work on mutation-selection models has revealed that, under specific assumptions on the fitness function and the mutation rates, asymptotic estimates for the leading eigenvalue of the mutation-reproduction matrix may be obtained through a low-dimensional maximum principle in the limit N --> infinity (where N, or N-d with d greater than or equal to 1, is proportional to the number of types). In order to extend this variational principle to a larger class of models, we consider here a family of reversible matrices of asymptotic dimension N-d and identify conditions under which the high-dimensional Rayleigh-Ritz variational problem may be reduced to a low-dimensional one that yields the leading eigenvalue up to an error term of order 1/N. For a large class of mutation-selection models, this implies estimates for the mean fitness, as well as a concentration result for the ancestral distribution of types.
机译:突变选择模型的最新研究表明,在适应度函数和突变率的特定假设下,可以通过极限N-的低维最大原理,获得突变再现矩阵前导特征值的渐近估计。 ->无穷大(其中N或d大于或等于1的Nd与类型数成正比)。为了将这种变分原理扩展到更大的模型类别,我们在这里考虑一类渐近维数Nd的可逆矩阵,并确定在哪些条件下高维Rayleigh-Ritz变分问题可以简化为产生最高达1 / N阶误差项的前导特征值。对于一大类突变选择模型,这意味着对平均适应度以及类型祖先分布的集中结果进行了估计。



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