首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Biology >Simultaneous and functional binding of SmpB and EF-Tu center dot GTP to the alanyl acceptor arm of tmRNA

Simultaneous and functional binding of SmpB and EF-Tu center dot GTP to the alanyl acceptor arm of tmRNA


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Transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) mimics functions of aminoacyl-tRNA and mRNA, subsequently, when rescuing stalled ribosomes on a 3' truncated mRNA without stop codon in bacteria. In addition, this mechanism marks prematurely terminated proteins by a C-terminal peptide tag as a signal for degradation by specific cellular proteases. For Escherichia coli, previous studies on initial steps of this "trans-translation" mechanism revealed that tmRNA alanylation by Ala-tRNA synthetase and binding of Ala-tmRNA by EF-Tu-GTP for subsequent delivery to stalled ribosomes are inefficient when compared to analogous reactions with canonical tRNA(Ala). In other studies, protein SmpB and ribosomal protein S1 appeared to bind directly to tmRNA and to be indispensable for trans-translation. Here, we have searched for additional and synergistic effects of the latter two on tmRNA alanylation and its subsequent binding to EF-Tu(.)GTP. Kinetic analysis of functioning combined with band-shift experiments and structural probing demonstrate, that tmRNA may indeed form a multimeric complex with SmpB, S1 and EF-Tu(.)GTP, which leads to a considerably enhanced efficiency of the initial steps of trans-translation. Whereas S1 binds to the mRNA region of tmRNA, we have found that SmpB and EF-Tu both interact with its acceptor arm region. Interaction with SmpB and EF-Tu was also observed at the acceptor arm of Ala-tRNA(Ala), but there the alanylation efficiency was inhibited rather than stimulated by SmpB. Therefore, SmpB may function as an essential modulator of the tRNA-like acceptor arm of tmRNA during its successive steps in trans-translation.



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