首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance >Effect of Prior Machining Deformation on the Development of Tensile Residual Stresses in Weld-Fabricated Nuclear Components

Effect of Prior Machining Deformation on the Development of Tensile Residual Stresses in Weld-Fabricated Nuclear Components


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Austenitic alloy weldments in nuclear systems may be subject to stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) failure if the sum of residual and applied stresses exceeds a critical threshold. Residual stresses developed by prior machining and welding may either accelerate or retard SCC, depending on their magnitude and sign. A combined x-ray diffraction and mechanical procedure was used to determine the axial and hoop residual stress and yield strength distributions into the inside-diameter surface of a simulated Alloy 601 penetration J-welded into a reactor pressure vessel. The degree of cold working and the resulting yield strength increase caused by prior machining and weld shrinkage were calculated from the line-broadening distributions. Tensile residual stresses on the order of +700 MPa were observed in both the axial and the hoop directions at the inside-diameter surface in a narrow region adjacent to the weld heat-affected zone. Stresses exceeding the bulk yield strength were found to develop due to the combined effects of cold working of the surface layers during initial machining and subsequent weld shrinkage. The residual stress and cold work distributions produced by prior machining were found to influence strongly the final residual stress state developed after welding.
机译:如果残余应力和施加应力之和超过临界阈值,则核系统中的奥氏体合金焊件可能会遭受应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)破坏。由先前的加工和焊接产生的残余应力可能会加速或延迟SCC,具体取决于它们的大小和符号。结合使用X射线衍射和机械过程确定轴向和环向残余应力以及屈服强度分布到模拟J 601合金的J焊入反应堆压力容器的内径表面。由线宽分布可计算出冷加工的程度以及因先前的加工和焊缝收缩而导致的屈服强度增加。在与焊接热影响区相邻的狭窄区域的内径表面上,在轴向和环向都观察到了大约+700 MPa的拉伸残余应力。由于在初始机加工和随后的焊接收缩过程中表面层的冷加工的综合作用,发现产生了超过整体屈服强度的应力。发现在先加工产生的残余应力和冷作分布严重影响焊接后形成的最终残余应力状态。



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