首页> 外文期刊>Journal of nannoplankton research: A publication of the International Nannoplankton Association >Baltic Sea coccolithophores-an overview of findings from the last decades

Baltic Sea coccolithophores-an overview of findings from the last decades


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It is an established fact that coccolithophores are of little importance in the Baltic proper. The likely biogeochemical and environmental reasons for this have been critically analyzed and reviewed by Tyrell et al. (2008), and their main conclusion is that calcium carbonate saturation in the Baltic Sea is the primary controlling factor for coccolithophores and in particular an undersaturation during wintertime remains the critical impediment for coccolithophore development in the Baltic proper. While there is no reason to question these observations, it is still relevant to record the actual occurrences of coccolithophores from the Baltic proper. Repeated examinations of Baltic Sea material from Bothnian Bay and the Gulf of Finland by means of transmission electron microscopy has revealed a consistent presence of a small community of lightly calcified coccolithophores (i.e., Balaniger virgulosa HOL and HET, Turrisphaera sp., and Papposphaera sp.). If material examined from the Danish transitional waters that connect the North Sea and the Baltic proper is also considered, it is possible not only to define a demarcation line for Emiliania huxleyi, which runs into the Arkona Basin east of the island of Bornholm, but also to document the presence in the western Baltic, the Sounds, and the Kattegat of a small contingent of coccolithophores that appear to be persistently present within the area.
机译:一个公认的事实是,在波罗的海地区,球石珊瑚并不重要。泰瑞尔(Tyrell)等人已对此进行了严格的分析和审查,由此可能的生物地球化学和环境原因。 (2008年),他们的主要结论是波罗的海碳酸钙的饱和度是球墨镜的主要控制因素,特别是冬季的饱和度不足仍然是波罗的海球墨石藻发展的关键障碍。尽管没有理由质疑这些观察结果,但记录波罗的海地区球隐藻的实际发生仍然有意义。通过透射电子显微镜对波特尼亚湾和芬兰湾的波罗的海物质进行了反复检查,结果发现一小群轻钙化的球墨石藻一直存在(例如,Balaniger virgulosa HOL和HET,Turrisphaera sp。和Papposphaera sp。 )。如果还考虑从连接北海和波罗的海地区的丹麦过渡水域中检查的材料,则不仅可以为Emiliania huxleyi划界线,该界线延伸到博恩霍尔姆岛以东的阿科纳盆地,而且记录在西波罗的海,桑德斯和卡特加特河中存在的一小群球隐藻类,它们似乎持续存在于该地区。



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