首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery >Lemierre syndrome: Two cases requiring surgical intervention

Lemierre syndrome: Two cases requiring surgical intervention


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Lemierre syndrome, also known as postanginal sepsis or human necrobacillosis, is a severe complication of an acute oropharyngeal infection that results in septic thrombophlebitis of the ipsilateral internal jugular vein (IJV) followed by sepsis. The infections are frequently complicated by metastatic infections spread from an infection originating in the mouth or pharynx.1 The most common causative organism is Fuso-bacterium necropborum, a commensal organism of the oral cavity. After the 'widespread use of antibiotic therapy, largely with penicillin in the 1960s and 1970s for oropharyngeal infections, Lemierre syndrome was referred to as the "forgotten disease."2 Today, with the decreased use of antibiotics for oropharyngeal infections and the increased numbers of antibiotic-resistant organisms, the disease has re-emerged. We describe 2 cases of Lemierre syndrome that required surgical intervention.



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