
Global health care partnerships: a call to perianesthesia nurses.


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PERSONAL CULTURE and life experiences are fundamental factors that shape one's opinions, perspectives, and actions. After living abroad on two continents for over a decade and traveling throughout numerous countries over the past 25 years, it is impossible for me to overlook comparisons across cultures or opportunities to bridge cultural gaps and expand global nursing knowledge. Witnessing different belief structures, levels of economic development, and ways in which people adapt to an environment has broadened my understanding of disparities and deepened a desire to reach out and promote information sharing across the global perianesthesia nursing community. Over the past 2 years, this column has presented information about global outreach and implications for perianesthesia nursing and shared some foundational goals for convening the first International Conference for PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ICPAN).13 As the inaugural 2011 ICPAN gathering approaches, I would like to explore some additional factors impacting the need for increased cross-cultural cooperation and collaboration in nursing.



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