首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery: JPRAS >Blood loss and transfusion rates in DIEP flap breast reconstruction. Introducing a new predictor

Blood loss and transfusion rates in DIEP flap breast reconstruction. Introducing a new predictor


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Background The popularity of the DIEP flap has increased over the last decade. However, there is little information regarding the transfusion rates of this complex procedure. The current study reports the transfusion rates in patients who underwent DIEP flap reconstruction in our unit with an attempt to correlate significant blood loss with potential predictors such as the abdominal flap weight. Methods-material A retrospective review of 131 patients who underwent DIEP reconstruction was performed. Patients' characteristics, risk factors, incidence of blood transfusions, Hb drop and complications were reviewed. For statistical analysis the two-tailed Student t-test, chi-squared significance test and multiple regression model were used. Results 12 patients (9.1%) were transfused compared to 80.3% and 18.8% described in the literature. Definite association was found between the presence of a complication and transfusion. No correlation was found between age, obesity, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy or tamoxifen treatment and blood loss. However, operation duration, complications and weight all found to have significant correlation. On average, every additional hour of surgery adds 0.25 g of Hb drop; the presence of a complication adds 0.45 g of Hb drop, and every extra gram of tissue removed from the abdomen adds an extra 0.001 g of Hb drop. Conclusion The different transfusion rates published reflect variations in surgical strategies, different operative technical details but mostly transfusion protocols applied in each unit. As a correlation with complications was found, it is quite important to identify predictors for significant blood loss to optimise the operation outcome which in our study are additional time of surgery, the presence of complication and increased flap weight.
机译:背景技术在过去的十年中,DIEP瓣的受欢迎程度有所提高。但是,关于这种复杂程序的输血速度的信息很少。当前的研究报道了在我们单位中进行DIEP皮瓣重建的患者的输血率,试图将大量失血与潜在的预测因素(例如腹部皮瓣的重量)相关联。方法-材料回顾性分析了131例接受DIEP重建的患者。回顾了患者的特征,危险因素,输血发生率,血红蛋白下降和并发症。为了进行统计分析,使用了两尾学生t检验,卡方显着性检验和多元回归模型。结果12例患者(9.1%)被输血,而文献中描述为80.3%和18.8%。发现并发症和输血之间存在明确的关联。在年龄,肥胖,化学疗法和/或放疗或他莫昔芬治疗与失血之间未发现相关性。但是,手术时间,并发症和体重均具有显着的相关性。平均而言,每增加一小时的手术,就会增加0.25 g的Hb下降;并发症的存在会增加0.45 g的Hb滴,从腹部取出的每多克组织都会增加0.001 g的Hb滴。结论公布的不同输血速度反映了手术策略的差异,不同的手术技术细节,但大多数情况下每个单元都采用了输血方案。由于发现了与并发症的相关性,因此确定重大失血的预测指标以优化手术结果非常重要,在我们的研究中,这是手术时间的增加,并发症的出现和皮瓣重量的增加。



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