首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials >Verification of the mechanostat theory in mandible remodeling after tooth extraction: Animal study and numerical modeling

Verification of the mechanostat theory in mandible remodeling after tooth extraction: Animal study and numerical modeling


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Bone tissue is capable of remodeling in response to environmental and physiological conditions. Mechanical loading is thought to be one of the most important environmental factors, affecting bone status. Mechanostat theory, which classifies bone behavior on the basis of the mechanical strain, has been vastly applied in cases of long bones. The present study surveyed the applicability of mechanostat theory in interpretation and anticipation of structural changes of the mandible due to tooth extraction, through experimental measurements and numerical modeling. The mandibular left first molar tooth of a 2-year-old male mongrel dog was extracted. Computed tomography (CT) images of the mandible were taken before, immediately after, and 1 year after extraction. Finite element models were constructed from the CT images and analyzed to evaluate the von Mises strain distribution within the mandible, specifically near the extraction site. Marked resorption around the extraction site and significant height reductions in the buccal and lingual ridges around the socket were observed one year after tooth removal. The deep socket made by extraction was filled and replaced by a smooth surface through bone remodeling in response to masticatory loading. Resultant strain analyses revealed a noticeable decline in strain level around the socket after tooth extraction, which activated bone remodeling according to mechanostat theory. At 1-year post-extraction, the strain magnitudes had increased significantly to near pre-extraction values. Alterations in the strain magnitudes along the mesio-distal axis were quantified for each stage and compared with the Mechanostat predefined regions. The FE results were surveyed in combination with the ridge height reductions, along the mesio-distal direction. Strain contours of the post-extraction stages were compatible with predictions by mechanostat theory. These findings validate the ability of mechanostat theory to describe mandible remodeling and predict post-extraction structural changes that occur near the extraction site. These results could be applied in dental treatment planning and implant design.
机译:骨组织能够响应环境和生理条件而重塑。机械负荷被认为是影响骨骼状态的最重要的环境因素之一。力学稳定器理论基于机械应变对骨骼行为进行分类,已广泛应用于长骨骼情况。本研究通过实验测量和数值模型研究了机械恒压器理论在解释和预测由于拔牙而引起的下颌骨结构变化中的适用性。提取了一只2岁大的杂种狗的下颌左第一磨牙。下颌骨的计算机断层扫描(CT)图像在提取前,提取后和提取1年后拍摄。从CT图像构建有限元模型,并进行分析以评估下颌骨内,特别是在提取部位附近的von Mises应变分布。拔牙一年后,在拔牙部位周围明显吸收,牙槽周围的颊和舌突明显降低。通过拔牙制成的深窝被填充,并通过响应于咀嚼负荷的骨骼重塑而被光滑的表面取代。所得的应变分析显示,拔牙后,窝周围的应变水平明显下降,这根据机械稳压器理论激活了骨骼重塑。提取后1年,应变幅度已显着增加至接近提取前的值。在每个阶段中,量化沿近中轴的应变幅度的变化,并将其与Mechanostat预定区域进行比较。沿着近-远方向结合有限的脊高测量了有限元结果。提取后阶段的应变轮廓与机械稳定器理论的预测相符。这些发现证实了用机械稳定器理论描述下颌骨重塑和预测提取部位附近发生的提取后结构变化的能力。这些结果可用于牙科治疗计划和种植体设计。



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