首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Chemical Society >A nonperturbative quantum transition state theory of reaction dynamics using Path-integral Thermal Cluster Cumulant (PI-TCC) method

A nonperturbative quantum transition state theory of reaction dynamics using Path-integral Thermal Cluster Cumulant (PI-TCC) method


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In this particle, a nonperturbative path-integral quantum transition state (PI-QTST) theory is proposed for estimating quantum effect in reaction dynamics in which the rate of the reaction is succes.sfully modelled as the crossing of quantum particle over the free barrier of the double-well potential. It is well known that the rate essentially depends on the centroid density p(x(0)(*)) at the top of the barrier x(0)(*) dividing the two well representing the two stable configurations and x is defined along the reaction coordinate in one dimension. In path-integral approach to quantum transition state theory (PI-QTST), the quantum effect is estimated by calculating the ratio of the quantum grand partition function constrained to x(0)(*), Z(q)(x(0)(*)) to its classical counterpart Z(cl)(x(0)(*)) and is called quantum correction factor, Gamma. The quantum grand partition function Z(q)(x(0)(*)) is computed by using our non-perturbative Path-integral based Thermal Cluster Cumulant (PI-TCC) method. It is also shown that the value of quantum correction factor, Gamma tends to unity as the temperature goes high indicating the validity of the theory.



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