首页> 外文期刊>Journal Of The South African Institute Of Mining & Metallurgy >Control strategies for coal dust and methane explosions in underground coal mines: current South African research and development initiatives

Control strategies for coal dust and methane explosions in underground coal mines: current South African research and development initiatives


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Research and development conducted by CSIR-Mining Technology in the areas of active continuous miner based coal dist/methane explosion suppression systems, passive 'hag based' stone dust barriers systems, design and positioning of refuge bays, integrated escape and rescue strategies, and neural network based coal dust/methane explosion risk assessment is briefly described.It is concluded that effective catastrophic risk management of coal dust/methane explosions is dependent on an systems approach that encompasses fundamental understanding of hazard sources, qualitative and quantitative probability of occurrence, magnitude of consequences and recovery measures.
机译:CSIR-Mining Technology在基于主动连续采矿机的煤矿dist /甲烷爆炸抑制系统,基于被动“ hag”的石头粉尘屏障系统,避难所的设计和定位,综合逃生和救援策略以及神经网络领域进行了研究和开发简要介绍了基于网络的煤尘/甲烷爆炸风险评估。结论是,有效的煤尘/甲烷爆炸性灾难风险管理取决于一种系统方法,该方法应包括对危险源,定性和定量发生概率,危险程度的基本了解。后果和恢复措施。



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