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A Floristic Study of Vascular Plants in Ushishir, the Middle Kuril Islands


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A preliminary list of vascular plants is provided for the southern Yankicha and northern Ryponkicha islets of Ushishir, the middle Kuril Islands, based on herbarium specimens. The list represents 45 families,114 genera, and158 species for the whole ofUshishir. Only two species of non-native plants have been recorded from Ushishir-Yankicha. The main dominant families in Ushishir are Asteraceae, Poaceae, Cypemceae, and Caryophyllaceae. Although the entire flora of Ushishir does not show distinguishingfeatures different from those of adjacent Ketoi and Rasshua, a clear contrast of floristic composition was confirmed between Yankicha and Ryponkicha in Ushishir. Notably, a higher number of species and collections of Cypemceae in Ryponkicha than in Yankicha was confirmed. A Ryponkicha bias is evident in several taxa, for example Rubus chamaemorus, Vaccinium uliginosum var. alpinum, Carex rariflora, and C. stylos a. The floristic contrast mainly reflects the common occurrence of herbaceous meadows on Yankicha and the presence of a shrubby heath community on the terrace of Ryponkicha. A clear difference of flora and vegetation between Yankicha and Ryponkicha may be due to the different topographical and geological features of the two islets.
机译:根据植物标本室标本,为千岛群岛中部Ushishir的Yankicha南部和Ryponkicha北部小岛提供了维管束植物的初步清单。该清单代表整个乌希希尔(Ushishir)的45个科,114属和158种。 Ushishir-Yankicha只记录了两种非本地植物。 Ushishir的主要优势科是菊科,禾本科,伞形科和石竹科。尽管Ushishir的整个植物区系没有表现出与相邻的Ketoi和Rasshua不同的明显特征,但在Ushishir的Yankicha和Ryponkicha之间证实了植物区系的明显对比。值得注意的是,证实了与在Yankicha地区相比,Ryponkicha地区的莎草科的物种和种类更多。 Ryponkicha偏见在几个分类群中很明显,例如Rubus chamaemorus,Vaccinium uliginosum var。高山,Carex rariflora和C. stylos a。植物区系的对比主要反映了洋基查(Yankicha)上常见的草草甸和Ryponkicha阶地上灌木丛生的荒地群落的存在。 Yankicha和Ryponkicha之间植物和植被的明显差异可能是由于两个小岛的地形和地质特征不同。



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