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Climatic Change: the state of the journal An Editorial


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Just over two years ago, the death of our founding editor, Stephen Schneider, sent shockwaves around the global scientific community, and we keenly felt his loss in the Climatic Change office. At the time, the journal only recently had celebrated the publication of volume 100, and it is perhaps fitting that I return to that issue as a springboard to assess what has transpired in the interim, take stock of the current state of the journal, and contemplate its future. The title of Steve’s introductory essay is very revealing about the challenges then facing the journal: “be careful what you wish for!—what if you get it” Truly, Climatic Change has been a victim of his own success. Steve had invested heavily in nurturing scholars, cultivating the field, and educating an audience. Over the years, the investment paid off handsomely. Starting with humble beginnings in 1975, taking two years to publish the first issue of four articles, the journal has grown to a world-class “journal of record for interdisciplinary analysis of climate change science and policy” (Schneider 2010) due to Steve’s determination and perseverance.
机译:就在两年前,我们的创始编辑史蒂芬·施耐德(Stephen Schneider)逝世,在全球科学界掀起了一阵冲击波,我们热切地感到他在气候变化办公室的失落。当时,该期刊只是最近才庆祝第100卷的出版,也许我适合作为跳板来评估一下过渡时期发生的事情,评估该期刊的当前状态以及重新评估该期刊的状态,这也许是合适的考虑其未来。史蒂夫的介绍性文章的标题非常生动地说明了当时期刊面临的挑战:“请小心您想要的东西!-如果能得到它的话。”诚然,气候变化一直是他自己成功的受害者。史蒂夫在培养学者,培养领域和教育听众上投入了大量资金。多年来,投资回报丰厚。从1975年的不起眼的开始,花了两年时间出版第一期四篇文章,由于史蒂夫的决心,该杂志已发展成为世界一流的“气候变化科学和政策的跨学科分析记录期刊”(Schneider,2010年)。和毅力。



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