首页> 外文期刊>Physica, B. Condensed Matter >The electronic spectrum of a quasiperiodic potential: From the Hofstadter butterfly to the Fibonacci chain

The electronic spectrum of a quasiperiodic potential: From the Hofstadter butterfly to the Fibonacci chain


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We show that an electronic tight-binding Hamiltonian, defined in a quasiperiodic chain with an on-site potential given by a Fibonacci sequence, can be obtained using a superposition of Harper potentials. Since the spectrum of the Harper equation as a function of the magnetic flux is a fractal set, known as the Hofstadter butterfly, we follow the transformation of the butterfly to a new one that contains the Fibonacci potential and related approximants. As a result, the equation in reciprocal space for the Fibonacci case has the form of a chain with long range interaction between Fourier components. Then, the structure of the resulting spectrum is analyzed by calculating the components in reciprocal space of the related potentials. As an application, the correlator of each potential and some localization properties are obtained. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们表明,电子紧密结合的哈密顿量,定义在准周期链中,具有由斐波那契数列给出的现场势能,可以使用哈珀势的叠加来获得。由于Harper方程的频谱作为磁通量的函数,是一个称为Hofstadter蝴蝶的分形集,因此,我们将蝴蝶转换为包含Fibonacci势和相关近似值的新蝴蝶。结果,在斐波那契情况下的倒数空间中的方程具有在傅立叶分量之间具有长程相互作用的链的形式。然后,通过计算相关电位的倒数空间中的分量来分析所得光谱的结构。作为一种应用,可以获得每个电位和一些定位特性的相关器。 (c)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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