首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Morphological Analysis of Crease Patterns Formed on Surface-Attached Hydrogel with a Gradient in Thickness

Morphological Analysis of Crease Patterns Formed on Surface-Attached Hydrogel with a Gradient in Thickness


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The morphology of crease pattern formed on the surface-attached hydrogel with a gradient in thickness is analyzed. We label the hydrogel surface at the creased state with fluorescent polyelectrolyte, which enables us to visualize surface morphology of creases using the fluorescent microscopy. Various morphological features of crease patterns are analyzed at different thickness of hydrogel, or characteristic spacing of creases λ_(c,max), to examine the self-similarity of crease morphology at different length scales. Some morphological features show no λ_(c,max) dependence, implying the self-similarity, while others show weak kc,max dependence with positive values of the exponent of power law fit for the plots. We infer that such nonself-similarity is originated from the variations in the kinetics of swelling and creasing of hydrogel, the effect of surface tension, or the reduction in the osmotic pressure occurred during the polyelectrolyte labeling step at different λ_(c,max).



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