首页> 外文期刊>Nanotechnology >Molecular and atomic manipulation mediated by electronic excitation of the underlying Si(111)-7x7 surface

Molecular and atomic manipulation mediated by electronic excitation of the underlying Si(111)-7x7 surface


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We report the local atomic manipulation properties of chemisorbed toluene molecules on the Si(111)-7x7 surface and of the silicon adatoms of the surface. Charge injected directly into the molecule, or into its underlying bonding silicon adatom, can induce the molecule to change bonding site. The voltage dependence of the rates of these processes match closely with scanning tunnelling spectroscopy of the toluene and adatom species. The branching ratio between toluene molecules which are moved to a neighbouring site, or those that travel further is invariant to voltage, suggesting a common final manipulation step for both injection into the molecule and into the bonding adatom site. At low temperatures the rate of silicon adatom manipulation matches that of toluene manipulation, further suggesting that all these manipulation processes are driven by electronic excitation of the underlying silicon surface. Our results therefore suggest that a common non-adiabatic process mediates atomic and molecular manipulation induced by the STM on the Si(111)-7x7 surface and may also mediate similar manipulation induced by the laser irradiation of the Si(111)-7x7 surface.



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