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Geochemical studies of the ancient Indian glazed ware


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The ancient Indian glazed pottery, which is often termed as northern black polished ware (NBPW), has a high lustrous finishing and it is closely related to the second urbanization in the Indian subcontinent. In this communication, an attempt has been made to review previous research related to manufacturing technology, especially the surface gloss and firing process, using SEM and EDS techniques. The objective of this communication is to address some of the problems relating to technological competence thus achieved at that point of time. NBPW was a specialized craft in ancient India, the competence of which gradually evolved.
机译:古老的印度釉陶,通常被称为北部黑色抛光器(NBPW),光洁度高,并且与印度次大陆的第二次城市化发展密切相关。在本文中,我们尝试使用SEM和EDS技术回顾与制造技术有关的先前研究,特别是与表面光泽度和焙烧工艺有关的研究。交流的目的是解决在那个时间点上实现的与技术能力有关的一些问题。 NBPW是古代印度的一种专门工艺,其能力逐渐发展。



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