
The coming of age of plant embryology


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The historical development of angiosperm embryology is marked by emphasis on descriptive accounts of the development of the male and female reproductive parts and of the embryo and endosperm, Modern research has shifted the focus to molecular embryology and has brought a high degree of sophistication to this topic on a level comparable to that of animal development, Three aspects of current research on the genetic and molecular control of embryo development in angiosperms, with special reference to Arabidopsis thaliana, are considered in this review. First, evidence for the function of nonzygotic genes in early embryo development shows that the first few divisions of the zygote are controlled by maternal genes, probably by genomic imprinting. Second, protein products of certain genes appear to specify the shoot and root apical meristems and regions of the apicobasal axis of the embryo and the cell layers that constitute the embryo radial pattern. Third, analysis of embryo-defective mutants has the potential for identifing genes that are essential for the development of the zygote into a mature embryo.



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