首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral neuroscience >Gonadal Hormone Fluctuations Do Not Affect the Expression or Extinction of Fear-Potentiated Startle in Female Rats

Gonadal Hormone Fluctuations Do Not Affect the Expression or Extinction of Fear-Potentiated Startle in Female Rats


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Prior studies suggest that levels of ovarian hormones may affect learning and memory in rats, including studies of fear conditioning and extinction. We previously showed that female rats show reduced retention of extinction compared to males when measuring fear-potentiated startle, but not when measuring freezing behavior. One commonly reported observation in studies of freezing behavior is that rats with increased levels of estradiol during extinction learning show better retention of extinction than rats given extinction training when levels of estradiol are low. Here, we tested the hypothesis that fear extinction retention in a fear-potentiated startle paradigm in females is influenced by levels gonadal hormones, which we had not accounted for in our original report. We used the fear-potentiated startle paradigm to test if extinction learning was affected by estrous phase, ovariectomy, or acute systemic injections of estradiol in ovariectomized rats. We report that neither the expression nor extinction of fear-potentiated startle differed in rats given extinction training in proestrus compared to those in metestrus. Removal of the ovaries had no effect on fear acquisition or extinction learning as assessed by fear-potentiated startle. Finally, systemic injections of estradiol given to ovariectomized rats before extinction training had no effect on the expression of fear or the retention of extinction. Our findings suggest that the effect of female gonadal hormones on fear conditioning and extinction may depend on the measure of fear employed or by the parameters used to study fear learning.



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